She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
Proverbs 31:25
St. Mark’s United Methodist Women continues to build on a rich heritage of mission outreach. Our members are involved in church and community projects that make our world a better place in which to live.
The local unit helps prepare its members for leadership in the organization and in the local church, as well as leadership in community organizations. We have a purpose that is fulfilled through our participation in local projects and through our financial support of projects beyond Baytown.
As a community of women, let us continue to be intentional in our efforts to support one another as we answer our individual calls to service through the unit, through the church and through community organizations. Let us also appreciate and applaud those around us who are living out their call of ministry to the world.
Upcoming Events:
All events are open to ALL St. Mark’s Women. We’d love to have you join us anytime you can.
Saturday, Sept 24th – Women’s Ministry Event – Hearts on Fire
Mark your calendars! More information will be posted closer to the event, and a Facebook page will be created to extend invitations to other women you would like to invite.
Please contact Connie Walding (713-906-9366 or for information on
upcoming events.
Friendship – Second Monday, 6:00 p.m., Ceramics Room
Prayer Group – Second Monday, 9:30 a.m., Conference Room
The local unit helps prepare its members for leadership in the organization and in the local church, as well as leadership in community organizations. We have a purpose that is fulfilled through our participation in local projects and through our financial support of projects beyond Baytown.
As a community of women, let us continue to be intentional in our efforts to support one another as we answer our individual calls to service through the unit, through the church and through community organizations. Let us also appreciate and applaud those around us who are living out their call of ministry to the world.
Upcoming Events:
All events are open to ALL St. Mark’s Women. We’d love to have you join us anytime you can.
Saturday, Sept 24th – Women’s Ministry Event – Hearts on Fire
Mark your calendars! More information will be posted closer to the event, and a Facebook page will be created to extend invitations to other women you would like to invite.
Please contact Connie Walding (713-906-9366 or for information on
upcoming events.
Friendship – Second Monday, 6:00 p.m., Ceramics Room
Prayer Group – Second Monday, 9:30 a.m., Conference Room
UM Women - Goings-On
All Women Invited!
Saturday, Sept. 24th, 2022
To Register: Click image above or use this link
To Register: Click image above or use this link